For more than two decades, I’ve helped successful men like you reclaim their masculine power to become the kind of leaders and lovers they’ve always dreamed of being.

I can help you, too.

Believe me, you can have the great sex, respect and love you deserve without having to bargain or compromise who you are or what matters to you. I’ve witnessed hundreds of my clients achieve this level of personal success in every area of their lives, time and again.

It’s my passion to empower you and to set you free so that you can live life on your own terms and; unlock your hidden potential. You absolutely possess the elemental masculinity that a woman craves! I can teach you to unleash that energy and its power, in ways that are irresistible to the world and to your woman.

On a personal level, I am a woman who has journeyed far and wide with men. I have gone from the deepest pain and separation with the masculine, to someone who can empower a man to greatness. I have experienced up close and personal, all of the dynamics I teach, loss of desire, anger toward men, sexual shame, depression and an inability to commit. This is why I am truly masterful at illuminating the inner workings of what makes a woman pull away and refuse you, what makes her not trust, not desire, not yearn for your masculine energy. My gift is my capacity to feel, and to feel you, and to interpret what is going on between you and your partner. I look forward to turning up the lights for you and helping you make sense of the woman you love, and yourself.

I’m the coach for you if you want to escape the confusion and pain of where you live today and embrace a life you may have only dreamt of: one with a powerful presence, an irresistible charm and charisma and the capacity to lead and enjoy deeply satisfying sex for you and your partner.

I’ll guide you to be the man and the masculine force your heart knows you can be.

Open Her Book

Are you ready to be the man you've always wanted to be in life and in your relationship to women - irresistible, powerful and confident? Then grab a copy of my book, Open Her, and discover the powers of your masculine archetype to open a woman into her deepest pleasure and love.


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