Men are my terrain. I know what you need to succeed both in life and with women.

When you work with me, we're going to illuminate the ways in which you've given your power away and show you exactly how to take back and fully harness it. This will allow you to live your biggest life, and as a man!

You'll finally understand how to use your masculine power to open doors, whether to your woman's heart or anything else you crave in life. You can't afford to NOT be powerful in love with a woman. It absolutely kills attraction, desire and even love.


A powerful man inspires trust and confidence, which is essential to maintaining the turn-on and connection you want to feel in love with a woman. When you give your power away in relationships and in life, your woman knows it. She becomes hard and resistant to you, and stops wanting to be intimate.

Let me share with you how you can turn things around and feel better than you have in a long time!

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What People Are Saying

Karen is one of the hidden gems in the coaching and personal development space. I highly recommend her book and her personal coaching. She is refreshingly insightful and piercingly intuitive. She has helped me work through a great many of the emotional challenges that have come up in my life. I have felt the intense conflict in my life as a man between the deep desire to positively impact others in the world and then the insecurities of questioning my self-worth that cause me to pull back away from my urge to serve. I'm grateful that there are women in the world who are shedding light on the masculine experience.
- Ty J.

When I decided to work with Karen, I was wandering and desperate in my marriage, and in a lot of pain and confusion about why I couldn’t manifest the kind of partnership I desired. What Karen helped me do is learn how to reclaim my agency and power, not just in my marriage, but in all of my relationships.

Before I met Karen, I had a difficult time understanding exactly what it meant to create a safe and inviting “space” for my wife to connect with me. Working with Karen helped me identify some of my wife’s unique needs and helped me create a positive chemistry that has helped rekindle our relationship.


Your guidance, teachings, delving questions, and homework has given me perspective and tools to feel confident in what I do and who I am.


Karen’s way of working is calm, soothing, beautifully concise, practical, knowledgeable, and fun! Exploring and developing myself has become a pleasure since working with Karen.


Just being around her is intoxicating for the soul. She helped me find my true self. I would recommend Karen to anyone that wants to discover the power in who they are and find a partner.


Karen helped me access my inner strength and confidence and direction and to feel better than I have in years. I’d recommend Karen if you’d like to take the lead in our life and your relationships.

I’d recommend working with Karen if you are interested in learning how to become a better ANYTHING! A better partner, colleague, parent, friend, whatever.

Karen is insightful, kind, tough, and loving. I've long ago learned not to anticipate how she'll view whatever situation is in front of me.

I'd recommend Karen because she is full of empathy, a lovely woman in every way. She listens with her heart and will help you to feel safe so you can really dive deep and grow in understanding.

I reached out to Karen after reading her book “Open Her” for the third time.  There had been a lot of frustration with my wife, particularly over our sexual relationship. Karen is really easy to talk to.  Her insights and guidance have been life changing.  She’s given me a clear path to follow. Karen has helped me embrace my masculine power, become a better leader, and deepened my romance with my wife.  I’m so glad I made the commitment to work with Karen as my coach.  OPEN HER turned out to be about “opening me” as well.


I would recommend Karen if you are looking to salvage or enhance a relationship -- because stabbing in the dark is pointless. Four months ago, I was considering leaving my marriage. Now, my wife says I’m batting a hundred. Working with Karen has brought back a long-lost spark in our relationship.


I decided to work with Karen because my marriage had become stuck in a cycle of disconnection.  Reading Karen’s book opened my eyes to an intriguing new model of marriage: one in which the distinctive features of masculinity and femininity were seen as complementary strengths rather than obstacles to negotiate.  But I was still stuck on how to apply this to the messy challenges of years of relationship.  Through 12 weeks of coaching, Karen helped me understand what the root issues were, guided me to pinpoint changes I could make, and provided the map to chart a course to re-invigorating my marriage.  Now, on the other side, my relationship with my wife is thriving and we’ve been planning our future together with new enthusiasm - a great outcome!


When I started working with Karen, I was  weak (physically and emotionally), overweight, needy,  feeling hopeless and on the brink of divorce. The year of working with Karen was not easy, but my wife has really opened up to me sexually and emotionally. Sex is regular and off the charts good! She is so much more open and really following my lead in all areas. I really want to thank you for the impact you've had on my life and relationship. It's been huge.

-Allan, 43


A Man Coach is your personal advocate for what you want and want to be. I help you live your best life and reach for your wildest dreams, whether that is as a lover or the creator of your destiny. I hold you accountable to your truest desires.

Man Coaching is a specialty that I have developed for how to unleash the true power in men. Why? I love powerful men! A powerful man is a better lover, he’s a better partner and a happy, whole human being. This is good for him, his lover and all of humanity.

Man Coaching is important because a man has needs that are very different from a woman’s in life and in a coaching relationship. Those needs include feeling valued and appreciated, and being challenged in all the right ways to break through barriers into your greatest potential. A man wants to be a hero for the woman he loves, for his children and in the world – driven by love, unstoppable and passionate. I help you claim this role, without having to sacrifice yourself or what matters to you.

I absolutely love men! I know this because it wasn’t always this way for me. I had a lot of issues with men from my childhood and my adult relationships – and through years of personal focus, professional studies and coaching men directly, I have come to deeply appreciate what men bring to women and to life. I have come to love men in a way that is far bigger than any personal relationship and to see powerful men as the key to a peaceful and loving world.

My deep understanding of the struggles men go through in a world that often bashes the masculine, means that I’m able to work with men in a way that is profound and highly effective. Man Coaching, for me, is about awakening the man --- to his power and his greatest potential as a human being, with an emphasis on claiming love and great sex as his birthright, without compromise.


If you're operating under a set of beliefs that are false about the woman you love – about women generally – you’re putting out a lot of energy that gives you very little return on investment.

It’s like swinging a golf club the same way over and over, only to keep landing your ball in the lake. What I know about men is that what you think creates more passion and desire does not often work for a woman.

I imagine you already know this quite well. That's why I love turning the lights up for you and showing you how to maximize your efforts, in creative, brilliant ways that make you feel terrific as a man!

I find that a 90-day commitment to yourself and our journey is a very powerful start. It gives us time and space to dive deeply into the heart of what you need to understand and to get the results you want in your love life and life in general.

Most men continue to work with me for six to nine months, or in bursts, when they feel the need to refocus. We meet once a week by phone, or if a more intensive journey is desired, twice a week.

What I have seen in my clients overall, is a magnified confidence and certainty that comes from really embracing the masculine gifts and powers that are theirs.

Men tell me our work together changes their lives— because for the first time, many of them appreciate and trust who they are and what they bring to women and the world.

It’s very powerful to finally be able to be exactly who you are and get more of what feels good to you in life and in relationship to a woman. My clients often make choices and start to follow pathways that bring them more success and more prosperity.

Let's discuss this by phone, as not all men will be a fit for my coaching – and if you are, we’ll talk about a program just for you. Coaching with me is no doubt an investment in what you most want, but my clients often say they get far more value in our work together than they pay for.

Open Her Book Best Selling Books

Are you ready to be the man you've always wanted to be in life and in your relationship to women - irresistible, powerful and confident? Then grab a copy of my book, Open Her, and discover the powers of your masculine archetype to open a woman into her deepest pleasure and love.

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