Being tied up can be great if that turns you on.
But I’m talking about a different kind of bondage, the kind where you’re bound to celibacy, not of your own choosing.
Marriage is a kind of bondage when two people are not willing to look at the importance and meaning of sex between them.
Denying that energy is a denial of the energy that creates all things. It rarely has a good outcome.
This denial of sex, between men and women, has created an obsession with it. What do you think a porn addict is? He’s not someone with a great sex life!
People who have good, healthy sex lives are not chasing sex all the time, nor running from it as if it will bite or infect them.
Every day, I’m devising better and better ways for men and their partners to get out of this trap, for good.
You can’t get out of it by arguing the logic of sex, or trying to be the man who deserves sex through good deeds.
What’s needed is a mental and physical overhaul that returns you to the root of your power, where you are naturally free and sexually magnetic.
This October 3, I will be offering a group-coaching experience to tackle this at the core, with a small group of men, who are dedicated and selected by me.
If you can make it Tuesday nights at 6:30 Mountain, starting Oct. 3, and go for four months, and feel ready for a real commitment with other committed men
This is for married men, only, or men in a committed, long-term relationship. 😊