Last week I wrote a piece that many of you asked me to expound on… so I have, below. If you missed it, it’s here: What You Only Want Sex Means.
Now let’s look at another angle of this….
Does your feminine partner say that you have a “one track mind?”
Well you just might, if….
You’re always thinking about how long it’s been since you had sex, how you’ll get it next, or what you’ll do if she says, “no.” Your mind is on “one track,” a lot of the time!
This is obvious to your woman, who picks up on your tension and lack of presence with her.
The bigger problem is that this constant focus on “where is the sex?” will not get you more sex.
It will get you less!
To get more sex, you’ve got to jump your mind over to another track, where your tension and worry don’t send up her guard walls.
But how can you do that when you’re starved for physical touch and pleasure, with no end in sight?
First, know that fear and worry close you off to what you want. It’s the same with anything you seek to manifest in life.
If you want more money, worrying and obsessing over it won’t bring you more money. You’ve got to relax and trust, while simultaneously creating the conditions for money to flow.
Sex is the same. When you create the conditions for sex to flow, relax and trust, sex flows.
So, what are those conditions and how do you get them right?
The conditions vary from woman to woman. Ask yourself: When were we the happiest? When were we most excited about each other? When did we feel like a genuine team?
Was it… when you were learning together? When you were making your life plans? When you were living on the edge? Hanging out in nature?
These are the experiences you want to recreate —because these are the settings in which the two of you feel excited about each other, and life.
Don’t just check a box with this. You want to enjoy these experiences as much as you enjoy sex itself!
I welcome your comments or questions, or suggestions for articles.